News 10/10/01  Message Board soon to come. 10/10/01   Well after about a 7 month break..i've decided to start working on OH Rocky again. Fans of the site will notice a totally new look to the megasite..kinda spiffy huh..So once again..this site will be your one stop for all things Rocky..I hope this pleases the sites fans..i know it makes me happy...As always we ask for mega fan can find email and IM links on the contacts page.**Jamey** 10/09/01:  Once again I call upon my site fans for help with a section of the site. As you all may know, the Ultimate Fan page idea never really took off due to lack of interest. I still want you guys to send me pics of you dressed as your favorite Rocky characters. What I want now is for everybody to send me a short synopsis of what Rocky means to them and you'll be able to see your work on this site..isn't that exciting?